OP Dead Cells Build, The Double Bow Build (Foundry Update)

This build for Dead Cells is an excellent ranged build for getting through every level and killing The Assassin for the first time.

►Weapon 1: Ranged Weapon (Lightning Bolt & Hunter’s Longbow are the best)
►Weapon 2: Ice Bow (preferred, with Pierce) or Ice Blast
►Skill 1: Bear Trap or other deployable
►Skill 2: Your choice. My favorite is the Ice Grenade or any turret
►Mutation 1: Tactics, reduced cooldown
►Mutation 2: Tactics, +damage when no enemies nearby
►Mutation 3: Tactics, +damage when nearby a deployed skill

►Best ranged weapons in order of preference
Lightning Bolt (for bosses/elites specifically)
Hunter’s Longbow (for ads)
Heavy Crossbow
Double notched bow
Infantry Bow
Explosive Crossbow

►Brutality/Tactics/Survival: Focus on Tactics! Get tactics to 6+ as quickly as possible. After that, alternate between all 3 skills to get your health up and continue to build more damage.

►Route: Prisoner’s Cells, Promenade of the Condemned, The Ramparts, The Black Bridge, Slumbering Sanctuary, The Clock Tower, The Clock Room
►Timed Doors: Going for the timed door bonuses is a personal preference. I get bored of skipping all the enemies and running for the (very minor) bonus you earn for opening the timed doors.

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