Ender’s Game in VR! Echo Arena Oculus Rift Gameplay

Download the Echo Arena beta 


In Echo Arena—the fast-paced competitive multiplayer mode for Lone Echo—you’ll join a team of up to four other players and face off against the competition in a zero-gravity clash of robotic glory as you glide, boost, and punch your way to scoring goals in a breathtaking virtual arena. As a team sport, Echo Arena rewards players that work well together; with the incredible social expression offered by Touch, you’ll be able signal for a pass with a shout and a wave just as you naturally would, while throwing and catching the disc becomes a valuable skill to master. Even better though, Echo Arena is also full-contact sport: make a fist and use a swift punch to an opponent’s head to stun them, or grab onto another player’s back and catch a ride down-field. And of course, after you score a goal you can flaunt it with your own victory dance.

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